Thursday, November 05, 2020

The Tartarian Millennial Kingdom?

The older we get, the more we come to the sobering realization that we only “really” know what we’ve read or been told. We are presented with text books from established authorities that show the history of our world. Later we learn that winners write the history. So who are we following? Are we the winners or only our leaders who write the textbooks?

This understanding has destroyed the faith of some. Others of us still soldier along trying to figure out what is going on. Not many make it to this point, especially in our Huxleyan society of endless entertainment and distractions. In past eras, people didn’t have the time for this exploration because they were simply too busy trying to survive. Or they get caught up in a war. Not a lot of time for thinking on the battlefield. But we have that luxury so follow with me as we reconsider where we are or more precisely, WHEN we are.

Much of our culture is steeped in visual story telling. Movies have been a splendid way to indoctrinate people to a certain mindset. I am no different. It’s only when you see that other messages are also embedded that the real adventure starts. You’ve no doubt read that our overlords have some sort of pathological need to reveal what they are doing. Whether that is due to some sort of metaphysical law or simply their own pride and hubris is immaterial. Bread crumbs are being laid out for those with eyes to see.

The most popular awaking movie in my generation was The Matrix. It was so chock full of references from mythology, esoteric religions, and modern philosophy that only the willfully ignorant remained blind to some of the underlying messages. For me it was a large slap in the face. I was astonished none of my friends saw what I saw. They just wanted to talk about the action, the newly developed special effects, and how hot Trinity looked in that black body suit. The curious thing for me is the very first statement from Morpheus to Neo when he wakes up. Start there and place yourself in the protagonist role. (You’re meant to) Neo’s first question is “Where am I?” Morpheus responds.


Neo: Morpheus, what’s happened to me? What is this place?

Morpheus: More important than ‘What?’ is ‘When?’ You believe it’s the year 1999 when in fact it’s closer to 2199. I can’t tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don’t know. There’s nothing I can say that will explain it for you, Neo. Come with me. See for yourself.  

In light of recent leaps of inquiry about Tartaria, this scene jumped into my mind early this morning. Ah, but this isn’t the only movie to explore it. A lesser known movie was produced a few years earlier than the Matrix, Dark City. Those familiar with the movie will see the same pattern. People going about their lives, but with no real memory of where or when or even who they are. The main character has a memory of Shell Beach that only a few others remember. I won’t spoil the rest of the movie for you. I highly recommend watching it.

So how does this apply to our own reality? Why are these ideas inserted into the fiction of our day? Are they just musings of talented screen writers? Or were these writers connected with the esoteric societies we know exist in our world and directed to lay out some bread crumbs? Think about how The Simpsons has been eerily prescient.

In some ways, even the Bible approaches things this way. One of the tenets that led me to full faith in God is the renown of the prophets predicting events that would not come to pass for years or even centuries later. God tells us plainly that He will not do anything unless he tells it to his messengers first. Amos 3:7 – “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Perhaps that is a rule for the spiritual enemies of God as well? One thing you know if you are reading this:  Everything is not as it seems or as it has been taught to us. We know this is true in the following areas:


Mainstream View

Alternative View

Our world


Not a globe, perhaps flat


Dollars backed by gold issued by US government

Fiat currency backed by nothing issued by a private corporation by creating debt through a ledger entry

Economics – Capitalism

Free-trade works and has produced prosperity

Oligopolies exist in every industry to maintain the status quo; insurmountable barriers to entry for all except the connected


US is a free Democracy with free speech and freedom of religion

US was originally established as a Republic where Senators were elected by the State legislatures, not popular vote. Each state had a religious test for office.


Oil is a fossil fuel and limited

Oil is abiotic and produced due to natural geologic processes in abundance


Corn is yellow and is the best variety

All other varieties of corn were pushed out of the supply chain by the oligopolies


Allopathy – treat symptoms individually with one size fits all drugs

Homeopathy, Naturopathy – treat the whole individual with comprehensive protocols that include diet and nutrition

Biologic Origins

Evolution – earth is billions of years old

Creation – earth is at most 10,000 years old

Physics (these views about light are interchangeable)

Light is a wave

Light is a particle

Quantum Mechanics

Recent discovery with new tools like the electron microscope

Pulled directly from Kabbalah and repackaged for our time


Unknown mathematically derived “force”

Density and buoyancy


Catholicism is the one true Christian church

Martin Luther –> Protestantism -> back to Torah


12,000 to 20,000 years of recorded human history observed through extant records from manuscripts and archaeology

??? Could all of medieval history been falsified to cover up the Millennial kingdom of Yahusha?!?


There are other topics that could be added to the above list, but the point is that there is an alternative view EVERYWHERE you bother to peel back the first layer. Many books and volumes have been written and will continue to be written about the above and more. We all know something is “off.” We feel it in our innermost being. Why?

I hope I am not being herded. I hope all of these areas of exploration are not rabbit trails designed to keep us distracted and unmoored from reality. That is the hope of all of us. With that as background, I still have some questions regarding Tartaria as the Millennial Kingdom. I’m going to start from AD70 with just the history that comes to mind and walk forward to about 1800. The scope and sweep is far too broad to provide the references, but those aren’t important. Let’s take a big picture view as we step through it.

The aftermath of AD70 includes the continued reign of Rome. The rule of the Caesars. They changed every few years. Some as long as twenty, others as short as a month. All of that is a lie? Don’t we have busts carved of stone for many of them? Didn’t Marcus Aurelius write Meditations? Were Christians not thrown to the lions? Diocletian didn’t have his turn to persecute the Church? What about Ignatius and Polycarp? Augustine’s City of God? Alaric didn’t lead the army to topple Rome? This is just the first 400 years. What else was going on in the world. It is more than our Western civilization. What about the Far East and India?

A.D. 1-100

• Silk first seen in Rome

• Buddhism begins to spread from India into Central Asia

• Roman Syria develops the technique of blowing glass. The industry expands

• Chinese General Pan Ch'ao defeats Xiongnu and keeps the peace in the Tarim Basin. The stability of the Silk Route popularizes the caravan trade into two routes – north and south

• China sends the first ambassador to Rome from Pan Ch'ao's command, but he fails to reach Rome

• A.D. 17 – Major earthquake – many Asian cities destroyed

• A.D. 47 – Parthian (Parthava) ruler Gondophares displaces northern Sakas in Gandhara

• A.D. 20-200? – Kushan empire reaches its peak in the reign of Kanishka (A.D. 78?-120?) who initiates Saka system of dating (still in use in India today) and builds Peshawar. Sogdians trading on Silk Route

• c. A.D. 50 – Establishment of direct sea trade between Rome and India, bypassing overland route middlemen

• A.D. 52 – Legendary date of arrival of St. Thomas in India

A.D. 100-200

• Roman empire at its largest, becomes a major market for Eastern goods

• Buddhism reaches China. For the next few centuries, Buddhism flourishes, becoming the most popular religion in Central Asia, replacing Zoroastrianism

• The four great empires of the day – the Roman, Parthian, Kushan, and Chinese – bring stability to the Silk Route

• c. A.D. 100 – Indian embassy to Trajan

A.D. 200-300

• Parthian Empire's trade routes were extended in the maritime ports of Southeast Asia as far as the Malay Peninsula's international port of Tun-sun

• Han dynasty ends. China splits into fragments

• Chinese alchemists invent gunpowder

A.D. 220 – Han dynasty falls and China disintegrates

A.D. 300-400

• Xiongnu invade China again. China further dissolves into fragments

• Dun Huang grottos start to appear and become the world's largest Buddhist caves


The above is just a smattering. If we are to take the 1,000 year reign seriously, it doesn’t just invalidate early and medieval history in the West, but also the East. All of those dynasties just never happened? Moving forward to the Middle ages, are all of these events just fantasy? I’ll be all over the timeline here as this is just meandering through the history I’ve read over the years.


·         Britannia (Rome)

·         Founding of Islam in 622 when Mohammed visits Medina

·         Formation of Germania and Francs

·         Viking raids on England

·         Viking discovery of North America (Yes, there are stories about it)

·         Catholic persecution of the Waldenses and Albigenses?

·         Geoffrey Chaucer

·         The Crusades to retake Jerusalem – all of that was fake?

·         The anti-biblical pragmatism of Machiavelli’s The Prince was published right in the middle of the Kingdom of Christ?

·         Muslim raiders were allowed to expand for hundreds of years?

·         Battle of Tours in 732 (

·         Elizabethan England

·         King James’ Bible

·         Tyndale

·         Pilgrims – devout Puritans were not part of the Millennial kingdom?

·         Colonization of the rest of the world by European powers?

·         Islamic slave trade

·         Atlantic slave trade


I could go on and on. The point is that a re-imagining of history would require reams of proof. Tartaria as the Millennial Kingdom is certainly interesting, but the propaganda of our current timeline runs very deep. We can’t even convince people there is a problem with the Federal Reserve or that perhaps, just perhaps, macro evolution is a fantastic lie and we did not evolve from apes. With the thousands upon thousands of books written on the history of the last 2,000+ years, I don’t see Tartaria = Millennial Kingdom as a valid interpretation. What Tartaria was is still up for debate. At this point, I don’t believe it was the Millennial kingdom. There is far too much evil and war that we seem to know about for it to have been allowed. The only plausible explanation is that it was a limited kingdom. Many, perhaps most, people were never allowed in. The rest of the world was left to its own devices and the history we see and have studied. I can believe that more than a complete cover-up from AD70 to our present time.